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The Code to Refactor

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import factory from '.'
import {
type UserPurchaseInformation,
type PromotionInformation
} from './types'
import { type DB } from './db/types'
// Constants for test data
const constants = {
PAYEE_ID: 'a'.repeat(32),
PAYER_ID: 'b'.repeat(32),
DEVELOPER_ID: 'c'.repeat(32),
SQL_TRANSACTION_ID: 'd'.repeat(32),
PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID: 'e'.repeat(32),
PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID: 'f'.repeat(32),
PAYMENT_ID: 'g'.repeat(32),
FED_NOW_PAYMENT_ID: 'h'.repeat(32),
LEDGER_ENTRY_ID: 'i'.repeat(32),
describe('executeStandardPTOperations', () => {
let db: DB
let executeStandardPTOperations: ReturnType<typeof factory>
beforeEach(() => {
db = {
insertPayment: jest.fn(async () => constants.PAYMENT_ID),
insertFedNowPayment: jest.fn(async () => constants.FED_NOW_PAYMENT_ID),
insertLedgerEntry: jest.fn(async () => constants.LEDGER_ENTRY_ID),
insertPromotionLedgerEntry: jest.fn(
async () => constants.PROMOTION_LEDGER_ENTRY_ID
insertTransactionRecord: jest.fn(
async () => constants.TRANSACTION_RECORD_ID
executeStandardPTOperations = factory({ db })
const userPurchaseInformation: UserPurchaseInformation = {
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card
const promotionInformation: PromotionInformation = { promoAmount: 10 }
// Testing standard payment processing
describe('Standard Payment Processing', () => {
let standardUserPurchaseInformation: UserPurchaseInformation
beforeEach(() => {
standardUserPurchaseInformation = {
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card
it('should handle standard payment without promotion', async () => {
const idObj = await executeStandardPTOperations({
userPurchaseInformation: standardUserPurchaseInformation,
promotionInformation: {},
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
// Assertions
primaryPaymentID: constants.PAYMENT_ID,
customerLedgerEntryID: constants.LEDGER_ENTRY_ID,
pursTransactionID: constants.TRANSACTION_RECORD_ID
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
ledgerEntries: [constants.LEDGER_ENTRY_ID],
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
it('should handle standard payment with promotion', async () => {
const idObj = await executeStandardPTOperations({
userPurchaseInformation: standardUserPurchaseInformation,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
// Assertions
primaryPaymentID: constants.PAYMENT_ID,
customerLedgerEntryID: constants.LEDGER_ENTRY_ID,
promotionLedgerEntryID: constants.PROMOTION_LEDGER_ENTRY_ID,
pursTransactionID: constants.TRANSACTION_RECORD_ID
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
promoAmount: promotionInformation.promoAmount,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
ledgerEntries: [
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
// Testing invalid parameter scenarios
describe('Invalid Parameter Handling', () => {
it('should throw an error with invalid UserPurchaseInformation', async () => {
const invalidUserPurchaseInformation = {
payerId: 'invalid',
payeeId: 'invalid',
developerId: 'invalid',
amount: -1,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card
await expect(
userPurchaseInformation: invalidUserPurchaseInformation,
promotionInformation: {},
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['userPurchaseInformation', 'payeeId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['userPurchaseInformation', 'payerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['userPurchaseInformation', 'developerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 0,
type: 'number',
inclusive: true,
exact: false,
message: 'Number must be greater than or equal to 0',
path: ['userPurchaseInformation', 'amount']
// Testing FedNow payment processing
describe('FedNow Payment Processing', () => {
let fedNowUserPurchaseInformation: UserPurchaseInformation
beforeEach(() => {
fedNowUserPurchaseInformation = {
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.FedNow,
payerAccountId: constants.PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID,
payeeAccountId: constants.PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID
it('should handle FedNow payment without promotion', async () => {
const idObj = await executeStandardPTOperations({
userPurchaseInformation: fedNowUserPurchaseInformation,
promotionInformation: {},
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
// Assertions for FedNow payment without promotion
primaryPaymentID: constants.PAYMENT_ID,
primaryFedNowPaymentID: constants.FED_NOW_PAYMENT_ID,
customerLedgerEntryID: constants.LEDGER_ENTRY_ID,
pursTransactionID: constants.TRANSACTION_RECORD_ID
amount: 100,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
interactionTypeId: 1,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.FedNow,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
paymentId: constants.PAYMENT_ID,
payerAccountId: constants.PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID,
payeeAccountId: constants.PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
amount: 100,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
interactionTypeId: 1,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
ledgerEntries: [constants.LEDGER_ENTRY_ID],
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
it('should handle FedNow payment with promotion', async () => {
const idObj = await executeStandardPTOperations({
userPurchaseInformation: fedNowUserPurchaseInformation,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
// Assertions for FedNow payment with promotion
primaryPaymentID: constants.PAYMENT_ID,
primaryFedNowPaymentID: constants.FED_NOW_PAYMENT_ID,
customerLedgerEntryID: constants.LEDGER_ENTRY_ID,
promotionLedgerEntryID: constants.PROMOTION_LEDGER_ENTRY_ID,
pursTransactionID: constants.TRANSACTION_RECORD_ID
amount: 100,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
interactionTypeId: 1,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.FedNow,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
paymentId: constants.PAYMENT_ID,
payerAccountId: constants.PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID,
payeeAccountId: constants.PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
amount: 100,
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
interactionTypeId: 1,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
developerId: constants.DEVELOPER_ID,
payeeId: constants.PAYEE_ID,
payerId: constants.PAYER_ID,
promoAmount: promotionInformation.promoAmount,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
ledgerEntries: [
sqlTransactionId: constants.SQL_TRANSACTION_ID


/* eslint-disable import/first */
import {
type InsertFedNowPaymentParams,
type InsertLedgerEntryParams,
type InsertPaymentParams,
type InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams,
type InsertTransactionRecordParams
} from './types'
import { PaymentMethod, PaymentStatus } from '../types'
import { formatDate } from '../helpers'
const mockExecuteStatement = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
promise: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ records: [] }) // Mock resolved value
const mockBatchExecuteStatement = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
promise: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ records: [] }) // Mock resolved value for batch execute
jest.mock('aws-sdk', () => {
return {
RDSDataService: jest.fn(() => ({
executeStatement: mockExecuteStatement,
batchExecuteStatement: mockBatchExecuteStatement
import createDatabaseOperations from './'
describe('Database Operations', () => {
let db: ReturnType<typeof createDatabaseOperations>
const mockDate = new Date('2023-12-28T20:49:19.559Z')
const PAYEE_ID = 'a'.repeat(32)
const PAYER_ID = 'b'.repeat(32)
const DEVELOPER_ID = 'c'.repeat(32)
const SQL_TRANSACTION_ID = 'd'.repeat(32)
const PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID = 'e'.repeat(32)
const PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID = 'f'.repeat(32)
const PAYMENT_ID = 'b'.repeat(32)
beforeAll(() => {
process.env.DATABASE = 'mock-database'
process.env.SECRET_ARN = 'mock-secret-arn'
process.env.CLUSTER_ARN = 'mock-cluster-arn'
const mockDependencies = { genId: () => 'a'.repeat(32) }
jest.spyOn(global, 'Date').mockImplementation(() => mockDate)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
db = createDatabaseOperations(mockDependencies)
jest.spyOn(global, 'Date').mockImplementation(() => mockDate)
afterEach(() => {
describe('insertPayment', () => {
describe('when the parameters are valid for card payment', () => {
it('should call executeStatement with correct parameters', async () => {
const params: InsertPaymentParams = {
payeeId: PAYEE_ID,
payerId: PAYER_ID,
developerId: DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
await db.insertPayment(params)
const expected = {
database: 'mock-database',
secretArn: 'mock-secret-arn',
resourceArn: 'mock-cluster-arn',
transactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
sql: 'INSERT ...',
parameters: [
name: 'paymentId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'payerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187,
187, 187, 187, 187
name: 'payeeId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'developerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204,
204, 204, 204, 204
name: 'paymentAmount',
value: {
doubleValue: 100
name: 'interactionTypeId',
value: {
doubleValue: 1
name: 'paymentMethod',
value: {
doubleValue: PaymentMethod.Card
name: 'paymentStatus',
value: {
doubleValue: PaymentStatus.COMPLETE
name: 'datePaid',
value: {
stringValue: formatDate(mockDate),
isNull: false
describe('when the parameters are valid for fednow payment', () => {
it('should call executeStatement with correct parameters', async () => {
const params: InsertPaymentParams = {
payeeId: PAYEE_ID,
payerId: PAYER_ID,
developerId: DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.FedNow,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
await db.insertPayment(params)
const expected = {
database: 'mock-database',
secretArn: 'mock-secret-arn',
resourceArn: 'mock-cluster-arn',
transactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
sql: 'INSERT ...',
parameters: [
name: 'paymentId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'payerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187,
187, 187, 187, 187
name: 'payeeId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'developerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204,
204, 204, 204, 204
name: 'paymentAmount',
value: {
doubleValue: 100
name: 'interactionTypeId',
value: {
doubleValue: 1
name: 'paymentMethod',
value: {
doubleValue: PaymentMethod.FedNow
name: 'paymentStatus',
value: {
doubleValue: PaymentStatus.PENDING
name: 'datePaid',
value: {
stringValue: undefined,
isNull: true
describe('when parameters are invalid', () => {
it('should throw an error if fields are of incorrect type', async () => {
const params = {
payerId: 'invalid',
payeeId: 'invalid',
developerId: 'invalid',
amount: -1,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: 10,
sqlTransactionId: 'invalid'
await expect(db.insertPayment(params)).rejects.toThrow(
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payeeId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['developerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 0,
type: 'number',
inclusive: true,
exact: false,
message: 'Number must be greater than or equal to 0',
path: ['amount']
received: 10,
code: 'invalid_enum_value',
options: [0, 1],
path: ['paymentMethod'],
message: "Invalid enum value. Expected 0 | 1, received '10'"
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['sqlTransactionId']
// Additional test cases for other invalid scenarios
describe('when executeStatement throws an error', () => {
it('should propagate the error', async () => {
const params: InsertPaymentParams = {
payeeId: PAYEE_ID,
payerId: PAYER_ID,
developerId: DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
const errorMessage = 'Database operation failed'
mockExecuteStatement.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
throw new Error(errorMessage)
await expect(db.insertPayment(params)).rejects.toThrow(errorMessage)
describe('insertFedNowPayment', () => {
describe('when the parameters are valid', () => {
it('should call executeStatement with correct parameters', async () => {
const params: InsertFedNowPaymentParams = {
paymentId: PAYMENT_ID,
payerAccountId: PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID,
payeeAccountId: PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
await db.insertFedNowPayment(params)
const expected = {
database: 'mock-database',
secretArn: 'mock-secret-arn',
resourceArn: 'mock-cluster-arn',
transactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
sql: 'INSERT ...', // Replace with the actual SQL query
parameters: [
name: 'fedNowPaymentId',
value: { blobValue: expect.any(Buffer) }
{ name: 'paymentId', value: { blobValue: expect.any(Buffer) } },
name: 'payerAccountId',
value: { stringValue: PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID }
name: 'payeeAccountId',
value: { stringValue: PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID }
describe('when parameters are invalid', () => {
it('should throw an error if fields are of incorrect type', async () => {
const invalidParams = {
paymentId: 'invalid-length',
payerAccountId: 'invalid-length',
payeeAccountId: 'invalid-length',
sqlTransactionId: 'invalid-length'
await expect(db.insertFedNowPayment(invalidParams)).rejects.toThrow(
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['paymentId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payerAccountId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payeeAccountId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['sqlTransactionId']
describe('when executeStatement throws an error', () => {
it('should propagate the error', async () => {
const params: InsertFedNowPaymentParams = {
paymentId: PAYMENT_ID,
payerAccountId: PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID,
payeeAccountId: PAYEE_ACCOUNT_ID,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
const errorMessage = 'Database operation failed'
mockExecuteStatement.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
throw new Error(errorMessage)
await expect(db.insertFedNowPayment(params)).rejects.toThrow(
describe('insertLedgerEntry', () => {
describe('when the parameters are valid', () => {
it('should call executeStatement with correct parameters', async () => {
const params: InsertLedgerEntryParams = {
payerId: PAYER_ID,
payeeId: PAYEE_ID,
developerId: DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
await db.insertLedgerEntry(params)
const expected = {
database: 'mock-database',
secretArn: 'mock-secret-arn',
resourceArn: 'mock-cluster-arn',
transactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
sql: 'INSERT ...', // Replace with the actual SQL query
parameters: [
name: 'ledgerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'payerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187,
187, 187, 187, 187
name: 'payeeId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'amount',
value: {
doubleValue: 100
name: 'interactionTypeId',
value: {
doubleValue: 1
name: 'developerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204,
204, 204, 204, 204
describe('when parameters are invalid', () => {
it('should throw an error if fields are of incorrect type', async () => {
const invalidParams = {
payerId: 'invalid-length',
payeeId: 'invalid-length',
developerId: 'invalid-length',
amount: -1,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: 'invalid-length'
await expect(db.insertLedgerEntry(invalidParams)).rejects.toThrow(
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payeeId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['developerId']
describe('when executeStatement throws an error', () => {
it('should propagate the error', async () => {
const params: InsertLedgerEntryParams = {
payerId: PAYER_ID,
payeeId: PAYEE_ID,
developerId: DEVELOPER_ID,
amount: 100,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
const errorMessage = 'Database operation failed'
mockExecuteStatement.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
throw new Error(errorMessage)
await expect(db.insertLedgerEntry(params)).rejects.toThrow(
describe('insertPromotionLedgerEntry', () => {
describe('when the parameters are valid', () => {
it('should call executeStatement with correct parameters', async () => {
const params: InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams = {
payerId: PAYER_ID,
payeeId: PAYEE_ID,
developerId: DEVELOPER_ID,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
promoAmount: 10
await db.insertPromotionLedgerEntry(params)
const expected = {
database: 'mock-database',
secretArn: 'mock-secret-arn',
resourceArn: 'mock-cluster-arn',
transactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
sql: 'INSERT ...', // Replace with the actual SQL query
parameters: [
name: 'ledgerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'payerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187,
187, 187, 187, 187
name: 'payeeId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'developerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204,
204, 204, 204, 204
name: 'amount',
value: {
doubleValue: 10
name: 'interactionTypeId',
value: {
doubleValue: 1
describe('when parameters are invalid', () => {
it('should throw an error if fields are of incorrect type', async () => {
const params: InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams = {
payerId: 'invalid-length',
payeeId: 'invalid-length',
developerId: 'invalid-length',
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: 'invalid-length',
promoAmount: -1
await expect(db.insertPromotionLedgerEntry(params)).rejects.toThrow(
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['developerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payeeId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 0,
type: 'number',
inclusive: true,
exact: false,
message: 'Number must be greater than or equal to 0',
path: ['promoAmount']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['sqlTransactionId']
describe('when executeStatement throws an error', () => {
it('should propagate the error', async () => {
const params: InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams = {
payerId: PAYER_ID,
payeeId: PAYEE_ID,
developerId: DEVELOPER_ID,
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
promoAmount: 10
const errorMessage = 'Database operation failed'
mockExecuteStatement.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
throw new Error(errorMessage)
await expect(db.insertPromotionLedgerEntry(params)).rejects.toThrow(
describe('insertTransactionRecord', () => {
describe('when the parameters are valid', () => {
it('should call executeStatement with correct parameters', async () => {
const params: InsertTransactionRecordParams = {
ledgerEntries: ['a'.repeat(32), 'b'.repeat(32)],
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
await db.insertTransactionRecord(params)
const expected = {
database: 'mock-database',
secretArn: 'mock-secret-arn',
resourceArn: 'mock-cluster-arn',
transactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID,
sql: 'INSERT ...', // Replace with the actual SQL query
parameterSets: [
name: 'transactionId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'ledgerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'transactionId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 170, 170, 170
name: 'ledgerId',
value: {
blobValue: Buffer.from([
187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187, 187,
187, 187, 187, 187
describe('when parameters are invalid', () => {
it('should throw an error if fields are of incorrect type', async () => {
const params: InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams = {
payerId: 'invalid-length',
payeeId: 'invalid-length',
developerId: 'invalid-length',
interactionTypeId: 1,
sqlTransactionId: 'invalid-length',
promoAmount: -1
await expect(db.insertPromotionLedgerEntry(params)).rejects.toThrow(
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['developerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payerId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['payeeId']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 0,
type: 'number',
inclusive: true,
exact: false,
message: 'Number must be greater than or equal to 0',
path: ['promoAmount']
code: 'too_small',
minimum: 32,
type: 'string',
inclusive: true,
exact: true,
message: 'String must contain exactly 32 character(s)',
path: ['sqlTransactionId']
describe('when executeStatement throws an error', () => {
it('should propagate the error', async () => {
const params: InsertTransactionRecordParams = {
ledgerEntries: ['a'.repeat(32), 'b'.repeat(32)],
sqlTransactionId: SQL_TRANSACTION_ID
const errorMessage = 'Database operation failed'
mockBatchExecuteStatement.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
throw new Error(errorMessage)
await expect(db.insertTransactionRecord(params)).rejects.toThrow(


/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete */
import { getEnvVariable, genId } from './helpers' // Adjust the path
describe('Helper Functions', () => {
describe('getEnvVariable', () => {
it('should return the value of a set environment variable', () => {
const testVar = 'TEST_VARIABLE'
const testValue = 'value'
process.env[testVar] = testValue
// Clean up
delete process.env[testVar]
it('should throw an error if the environment variable is not set', () => {
const testVar = 'UNSET_VARIABLE'
delete process.env[testVar] // Ensure it's not set
expect(() => getEnvVariable(testVar)).toThrow(`Environment variable ${testVar} not set`)
describe('genId', () => {
it('should generate a string of the specified length', () => {
const length = 10
const id = genId(length)
expect(typeof id).toBe('string')
it('should generate a string consisting only of hexadecimal characters', () => {
const length = 10
const id = genId(length)
// Regex to match a hexadecimal string