* Module dependencies.
import AWS from 'aws-sdk'
import { getEnvVariable, type genId as genIdType, formatDate } from '../helpers'
import { PaymentMethod, PaymentStatus } from '../types'
import {
type InsertPaymentParams,
type InsertFedNowPaymentParams,
type InsertLedgerEntryParams,
type InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams,
type InsertTransactionRecordParams,
type DB
} from './types'
import { InsertPaymentParamsSchema, InsertFedNowPaymentParamsSchema, InsertLedgerEntryParamsSchema, InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParamsSchema, InsertTransactionRecordParamsSchema } from './schemas'
const RDS = new AWS.RDSDataService()
* Defines the types for the dependencies required by the module.
interface Dependencies {
genId: typeof genIdType
* Factory function to create various database operation methods.
* This function initializes methods for different database operations using the provided dependencies.
* @param {Dependencies} dependencies - The required dependencies including `genId`.
* @returns An object containing methods for various database operations.
export default ({ genId }: Dependencies): DB => ({
* Inserts a payment record into the database.
* This function takes payment details, validates them against the `InsertPaymentParamsSchema`,
* and then inserts a new record into the payment table.
* @param {InsertPaymentParams} params - The parameters for the payment insertion.
* The `params` object includes payerId, payeeId, developerId, amount, interactionTypeId, paymentMethod,
* and sqlTransactionId, which are essential for creating the payment record.
* @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves with the generated payment ID.
* The promise resolves after the payment record is successfully inserted into the database.
* If the operation fails, the promise rejects with an error detailing the cause of the failure.
* @example
* ```
* const paymentParams: InsertPaymentParams = {
* payerId: '12345',
* payeeId: '67890',
* developerId: '11223',
* amount: 100.50,
* interactionTypeId: 3,
* paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card,
* sqlTransactionId: 'abcd1234'
* };
* insertPayment(paymentParams)
* .then(paymentId => console.log(`Payment inserted with ID: ${paymentId}`))
* .catch(error => console.error(`Failed to insert payment: ${error}`));
* ```
insertPayment: async (params: InsertPaymentParams): Promise<string> => {
const {
} = InsertPaymentParamsSchema.parse(params)
const sql = 'INSERT ...'
const paymentId = genId(32)
const statementParams: AWS.RDSDataService.ExecuteStatementRequest = {
database: getEnvVariable('DATABASE'),
secretArn: getEnvVariable('SECRET_ARN'),
resourceArn: getEnvVariable('CLUSTER_ARN'),
transactionId: sqlTransactionId,
parameters: [
name: 'paymentId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(paymentId, 'hex') }
name: 'payerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(payerId, 'hex') }
name: 'payeeId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(payeeId, 'hex') }
name: 'developerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(developerId, 'hex') }
name: 'paymentAmount',
value: { doubleValue: amount }
name: 'interactionTypeId',
value: { doubleValue: interactionTypeId }
name: 'paymentMethod',
value: { doubleValue: paymentMethod }
name: 'paymentStatus',
value: {
paymentMethod !== PaymentMethod.FedNow || amount === 0 ? PaymentStatus.COMPLETE : PaymentStatus.PENDING
name: 'datePaid',
value: {
paymentMethod === PaymentMethod.FedNow && amount > 0
? undefined
: formatDate(new Date()),
isNull: paymentMethod === PaymentMethod.FedNow && amount > 0
await RDS.executeStatement(statementParams).promise()
return paymentId
* Inserts a FedNow payment record into the database.
* This function is specific to FedNow payments and takes necessary details,
* validates them, and inserts a record into the FedNow payments table.
* @param {InsertFedNowPaymentParams} params - The parameters for the FedNow payment insertion.
* Includes paymentId, payerAccountId, payeeAccountId, and sqlTransactionId.
* @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves with the generated FedNow payment ID.
* Resolves after successful insertion of the FedNow payment record.
* @example
* ```
* const fedNowParams: InsertFedNowPaymentParams = {
* paymentId: 'payment123',
* payerAccountId: 'account456',
* payeeAccountId: 'account789',
* sqlTransactionId: 'xyz9876'
* };
* insertFedNowPayment(fedNowParams)
* .then(fedNowId => console.log(`FedNow payment inserted with ID: ${fedNowId}`))
* .catch(error => console.error(`Failed to insert FedNow payment: ${error}`));
* ```
insertFedNowPayment: async (params: InsertFedNowPaymentParams): Promise<string> => {
const {
} = params
const sql = 'INSERT ...'
const fedNowPaymentId = genId(32)
const statementParams: AWS.RDSDataService.ExecuteStatementRequest = {
database: getEnvVariable('DATABASE'),
secretArn: getEnvVariable('SECRET_ARN'),
resourceArn: getEnvVariable('CLUSTER_ARN'),
transactionId: sqlTransactionId,
parameters: [
name: 'fedNowPaymentId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(fedNowPaymentId, 'hex') }
name: 'paymentId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(paymentId, 'hex') }
name: 'payerAccountId',
value: { stringValue: payerAccountId }
name: 'payeeAccountId',
value: { stringValue: payeeAccountId }
await RDS.executeStatement(statementParams).promise()
return fedNowPaymentId
* Inserts a ledger entry into the database.
* This function handles the insertion of a general ledger entry, taking various transaction details.
* @param {InsertLedgerEntryParams} params - The parameters for the ledger entry insertion.
* Parameters include payerId, payeeId, developerId, amount, interactionTypeId, and sqlTransactionId.
* @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves with the generated ledger ID.
* Resolves after successful insertion of the ledger entry.
* @example
* ```
* const ledgerParams: InsertLedgerEntryParams = {
* payerId: '123abc',
* payeeId: '456def',
* developerId: '789ghi',
* amount: 150.75,
* interactionTypeId: 4,
* sqlTransactionId: 'tran12345'
* };
* insertLedgerEntry(ledgerParams)
* .then(ledgerId => console.log(`Ledger entry inserted with ID: ${ledgerId}`))
* .catch(error => console.error(`Failed to insert ledger entry: ${error}`));
* ```
insertLedgerEntry: async (params: InsertLedgerEntryParams): Promise<string> => {
const {
} = params
const sql = 'INSERT ...'
const ledgerId = genId(32)
const statementParams: AWS.RDSDataService.ExecuteStatementRequest = {
database: getEnvVariable('DATABASE'),
secretArn: getEnvVariable('SECRET_ARN'),
resourceArn: getEnvVariable('CLUSTER_ARN'),
transactionId: sqlTransactionId,
parameters: [
name: 'ledgerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(ledgerId, 'hex') }
name: 'payerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(payerId, 'hex') }
name: 'payeeId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(payeeId, 'hex') }
name: 'amount',
value: { doubleValue: amount }
name: 'interactionTypeId',
value: { doubleValue: interactionTypeId }
name: 'developerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(developerId, 'hex') }
await RDS.executeStatement(statementParams).promise()
return ledgerId
* Inserts a promotion ledger entry into the database.
* This function is for recording promotional transactions, taking details like promotion amount.
* @param {InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams} params - The parameters for the promotion ledger entry insertion.
* Includes developerId, payeeId, payerId, promoAmount, interactionTypeId, and sqlTransactionId.
* @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves with the generated promotion ledger ID.
* Resolves after successful insertion of the promotion ledger entry.
* @example
* ```
* const promoLedgerParams: InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams = {
* developerId: 'dev123',
* payeeId: 'payee456',
* payerId: 'payer789',
* promoAmount: 25.00,
* interactionTypeId: 5,
* sqlTransactionId: 'sqltrans678'
* };
* insertPromotionLedgerEntry(promoLedgerParams)
* .then(promoLedgerId => console.log(`Promotion ledger entry inserted with ID: ${promoLedgerId}`))
* .catch(error => console.error(`Failed to insert promotion ledger entry: ${error}`));
* ```
insertPromotionLedgerEntry: async (params: InsertPromotionLedgerEntryParams): Promise<string> => {
const {
} = params
const sql = 'INSERT ...'
const ledgerId = genId(32)
const statementParams: AWS.RDSDataService.ExecuteStatementRequest = {
database: getEnvVariable('DATABASE'),
secretArn: getEnvVariable('SECRET_ARN'),
resourceArn: getEnvVariable('CLUSTER_ARN'),
transactionId: sqlTransactionId,
parameters: [
name: 'ledgerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(ledgerId, 'hex') }
name: 'payerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(payerId, 'hex') }
name: 'payeeId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(payeeId, 'hex') }
name: 'developerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(developerId, 'hex') }
name: 'amount',
value: { doubleValue: promoAmount }
name: 'interactionTypeId',
value: { doubleValue: interactionTypeId }
await RDS.executeStatement(statementParams).promise()
return ledgerId
* Inserts a transaction record into the database.
* This function manages the insertion of a comprehensive transaction record, including multiple ledger entries.
* @param {InsertTransactionRecordParams} params - The parameters for the transaction record insertion.
* Includes a list of ledgerEntries and an sqlTransactionId.
* @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves with the generated transaction record ID.
* Resolves after successful insertion of the transaction record.
* @example
* ```
* const transactionRecordParams: InsertTransactionRecordParams = {
* ledgerEntries: ['ledger123', 'ledger456'],
* sqlTransactionId: 'transql789'
* };
* insertTransactionRecord(transactionRecordParams)
* .then(transactionId => console.log(`Transaction record inserted with ID: ${transactionId}`))
* .catch(error => console.error(`Failed to insert transaction record: ${error}`));
* ```
insertTransactionRecord: async (params: InsertTransactionRecordParams): Promise<string> => {
const {
} = params
const sql = 'INSERT ...'
const pursTransactionId = genId(32)
const parameterSets = ledgerEntries.map((ledgerEntry) => [
name: 'transactionId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(pursTransactionId, 'hex') }
name: 'ledgerId',
value: { blobValue: Buffer.from(ledgerEntry, 'hex') }
const statementParams: AWS.RDSDataService.BatchExecuteStatementRequest = {
database: getEnvVariable('DATABASE'),
secretArn: getEnvVariable('SECRET_ARN'),
resourceArn: getEnvVariable('CLUSTER_ARN'),
transactionId: sqlTransactionId,
await RDS.batchExecuteStatement(statementParams).promise()
return pursTransactionId